Thursday, September 9, 2010

Moving On

I have some news to share with you all. It’s exciting and sad and liberating and scary and melancholy and joyful all at once, so here goes: I’m not coming back to school this year.
For those of you who don’t know I’ve been teaching creative movement at St. Thomas More Playgroup for the last ten years. I loved it there and my decision to leave was a tough one. I’ve made wonderful friends, seen classrooms of children through school, and genuinely enjoyed each and every day I spent there. We laughed, we played, we jumped for joy, and then, as with all things, it was time to move on.
The transition has allowed me to reflect on change and while there are many sorrowful things about saying goodbye, this is one of the true gifts. Many of us human beings don’t like change. We construct our lives against it, build walls to keep it out, even stay in circumstances and relationships that are no longer serving us all for the end goal of not rocking the boat. Keeping things par for the course. Not moving.
The irony of life is that it brings change. There is no steel strong enough change cannot cut through, no brick thick enough. It will come and when it does it is our choice whether we fight against it or whether we surrender and embrace it, knowing when the wind changes it blows us in a new direction…one that very well may bring about all kinds of wonderful things.
It was time to invest myself in KTUGA, to grow the business the way my dreams envision it and throw myself body and soul into the endeavor. It’s a risk, meeting change, but it’s also a great leap of faith and if nothing else I believe that when we leap, the net appears. It’s usually scary to step off that ledge and sometimes it seems impossible, but if and when we do it, we just might find that our wings work after all.
Here’s to change, moving on, leaping…and flying.
With love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck Kate! We wish you success and happiness in your new adventure!